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Professional Volleyball Game
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N Focus Athletics specializes in Magnawave PEMF. Treatment with a PEMF machine makes your cells more permeable, so more oxygen can enter and toxins can exit.  It is first a full body treatment followed by specific area treatments to help facilitate healing while relieving pain.  This is most beneficial to help increase circulation and eliminate inflammation.  However, there are multiple benefits to health and injury issues for horses, people, and small pets due to the overall healing affect.  Please call, text, or email for information.

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Areas of Expertise

Athletes, Equines and Small Animals.



Through on-line classes and hands on training with other practitioners that have multiple years of experience, I am proud to say I am certified to use Magnawave PEMF on people, equines, and small pets. 

There were 110 on-line lessons that range in information from anatomy and the skeleton system to how to work on specific areas of the body and specific health/injury issues. Each grouping of lessons required I take a test to make sure I was proficient in the knowledge that was given.  Each year I do a renewal course to stay current on the most up to date information.

I also have access to multiple practitioners with a plethora of first hand knowledge on using Magnawave for very specific issues. I get to learn what procedures they used, how it worked, and if there was anything they think could make the health issue better. 

However, I am not a medical expert. I cannot diagnose or make suggestions on what or where a specific problem may be coming from. Magnawave simply helps the body do what it is naturally supposed to do. When there is an injury or a chronic health issue, cells get depleted in their fight to make the body better. Magnawave revives the cells to work better by increasing circulation, decreasing inflammation and allowing the cells to be more permeable to metabolize and detoxify the body.

I have used this on myself after shoulder surgery, treating tendonitis in my hand and knee issues from being a trail runner.  I also use this on my own horse to keep her in optimum health.  I, along with many others, can testify to how much this has helped personally and with our animal friends.


Contact Me

Contact me through email, text or phone call to get more information or schedule an appointment.

N Focus Athletics, LLC

17425 W. 57th Ave.

Golden, CO 80403


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