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The Fundamental - A once a month full body session.  This session helps determine specific areas of need, detoxes the body, relaxes muscles and helps eliminate pain due to inflammation.  This session is typically 45 minutes based on the individual horse and their tolerance.  The first session I usually a lower level of Magnawave frequency until the horse is comfortable moving up in level.  Sometimes moving up can be in the same session, other times, it will require a few sessions for the body to accept. $85/session.

The Fundamental Plus - A twice a month full body package.  It does all the same things as The Fundamental, but allows the body to have a more prolonged benefit because we are able to spend a little more time on specific areas of need that are found during the first session. $65/sessions twice a month. (A pre-paid option)

The Maintenance Package - This package is once a week for approximately 30 minutes per session (the very first session is up to 45 minutes depending on the horses tolerance). This is 4 sessions that help determine specific areas of need. The specific areas will receive more attention throughout each session. Because all sessions include most of the body, it will help detox the body, relax the muscles and decrease pain from inflammation. The more focused each session becomes, the more pain should decrease. This package is to keep all moving forward by taking care of normal wear and tear and inflammatory issues associated with lots of exercise.  It is not necessarily for a specific acute issue that your vet has recently targeted. $55/sessions four times a month. (A pre-paid option)

The Chronic/Acute Package - This package is geared towards a horse that has a specific acute issue/or something chronic that was recently diagnosed by your veterinarian. Examples for horses would be an abscess, laminitis, a broken bone, colic, ulcers and soft tissue damage. The first session is always a full body treatment, followed by 10-15 minute sessions 3 times a week on the specific area diagnosed by the doctor/vet. You should be able to work the number of sessions down after a couple of weeks depending on the specific issue and then go to the Maintenance or Fundamental Plus package. $105/week (based on local county areas where travel is not an issue)*.  (A pre-paid option)

*Some health issues are more severe and can take a couple months of session to gain results.  Please call to work on a plan that will work for you.


The Feel Good - This is a once a month full body session. This session helps determine specific areas of need, detoxes the body, relaxes muscles, and helps eliminate pain due to inflammation. The session is typically 25 to 30 minutes, based on each individual body and tolerance. The first session is usually a lower level of magnawave frequency until the person is comfortable moving up in level. Sometimes moving up can be in the same session, other times, it will require a few sessions for the body to accept what is happening. $50/session

The Feel Good Plus - This is a twice a month full body package. It does all the same things as The Feel Good, but allows the body to have a more prolonged benefit because we are able to spend a little more time on specific areas highlighted from the first session.  $90/month ($45 a session)

(A pre-paid option)

The Chronic/Acute Package - This package is geared towards a person that has a specific acute issue/or something chronic that has been diagnosed by their doctor. Examples for people would be Arthritis in a specific area, COPD, Migraines, Plantar Fasciitis, Neuropathy and more. PEMF can even help with recovery after a hip/knee/shoulder replacement, but the implant must be MRI compatible and you must get your doctors approval. The first session is always a full body treatment, followed by 10-15 minute sessions 3 times a week on the specific area diagnosed by the doctor. You should be able to work the number of sessions down after a couple of weeks depending on the specific issue and then simply go to The Feel Good session as you would like (kind of like a massage for your brain and body). There are contraindications that need to be taken into consideration before having a Magnawave PEMF treatment. Please call for more information. $35/sessions equalling $105/week*.  (A pre-paid option)

*Some health issues are more severe and can take a couple months of sessions to gain results.


Small pets take less time per session than equines and people, just based on their size.   The conditions that are very responsive to PEMF sessions for pets include arthritis, injuries, wounds, cancers, circulatory problems, fractures, spinal cord problems, seizure disorders, skin disorders, aging, diabetes complications, and many more.  Please call for more information, to set up a program and determine costs.

There are contraindications that need to be taken into consideration.  For people, that would be anyone with a pacemaker, defibrillator (due to possible draining of battery life) or an organ transplant (due to autoimmune suppressants), and pregnant women or someone with active bleeding. For horses it is a pregnant mare or active bleeding.  Please call with any questions.

My Approach

Q & A

What is the difference between Magnawave and TENs? - 

TENS units use electric currents while PEMF devices use pulsed electromagnetic fields.  PEMFs have effects on the brain and at the cellular level in your body, rather than simply stimulating nerve activity. This means that PEMFs offer deeper healing as well as the pain management effects TENS units provide. The purpose of TENS units are to help patients manage pain.  They work by a distraction technique, called the gate control theory. Basically, TENS operates by confusing the brain through the stimulation signals it produces, competing with the signals from another pain source. So, TENS stimulation is like stomping on your big toe when you have a headache. The pain in the toe now is stronger than the headache pain, overshadowing the headache. This is usually a very temporary benefit.

PEMFs, while they also tend to offer more longer-lasting pain relief, are designed to stimulate repair of tissues at the cellular level.  Repair and healing of the cause of the pain is what produces longer-lasting pain relief. So while TENS is mostly used for pain, it does so mostly without healing the cause of the pain.  In addition to giving pain relief, PEMFs have a whole range of other health care applications. Research has shown that PEMFs can stimulate healing for wounds and bone fractures, have a positive impact on depression and anxiety, improve sleep quality, and many more benefits beyond pain relief.

What is the Herxheimer Effect?

Feeling worse before feeling better.  This reaction is a short-term detoxification reaction in the body. It is not uncommon to experience flu-like symptoms including headache, joint and muscle pain. body aches, sore throat, general malaise, sweating, chills, nausea or other symptoms.  It is an immune system reaction to the toxins that are released when large amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body does not eliminate the toxins quickly enough.  The important thing to note is that worsening symptoms do not indicate failure of the treatment in question; in fact, usually just the opposite.

Will Magnawave help to heal a broken bone?

Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) have been used for several years to supplement bone healing. The mode of action of this non-invasive method is still debated and quantification of its effect on fracture healing is widely varied. At a cellular and molecular level, PEMF has been advocated to promote the synthesis of extracellular matrix proteins and exert a direct effect on the production of proteins that regulate gene transcription. Electromagnetic fields may also affect several membrane receptors and stimulate osteoblasts to secrete several growth factors such as bone morphogenic proteins 2 and 4 and TGF-beta. They could also accelerate intramedullary angiogenesis and improve the load to failure and stiffness of the bone. Reports have shown an 87 % improvement on bone fractures  However, the efficacy of the method is significantly varied by person/animal.

Can Magnawave help with a horse abccess?

An abscess is an accumulation of pus (which are simply dead white blood cells) that have formed a lump internally or externally on the horse’s body. An abscess occurs as a result of an infection. Abscesses can begin with a wound, a nail in the hoof, strangles, or penetration of the skin with a foreign object. The accumulated white blood cells become encapsulated as the body works to isolate the infection, in turn forming an abscess. Managing a horse’s hoof abscess with MagnaWave may help expedite the recovery process. Once the pus is released and the pressure relieved, the wound usually heals, and the pain goes with it. We can help the process along with MagnaWave. MagnaWave essentially stimulates good oxygenation, better blood flow to the body, and in turn, allows the body to heal itself.  PEMF delivered through the MagnaWave Zoom Hoof Box and MagnaWave Zoom Paddle attachments is very effective for navicular, quarter cracks, general foot issues, and abscesses. The horse is in no discomfort during the session and we recommend a session anywhere from six to fifteen minutes in length, focusing on that area.

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